Cripple Poetics

Petra Kuppers & Neil Marcus

Cripple Poetics cover

A love story for crip culture! By turns playful, unsettling, raw and moving, Cripple Poetics: A Love Story is an immersive and sensual correspondence that builds and heats by accretion-one keystroke at a time. Cripple Poetics is e-mails, IMs and letters between lovers; poetic rumination/invigoration; and disability arts manifesto.

Critical Acclaim

As lovers/poets/performance artists Petra Kuppers and Neil Marcus court each other, they woo us as well. We are seduced by their great love of each other, crip culture, and a fierce, revolutionary dynamism that makes us want to whirl with them, through pleasure and pain, into the maelstrom of the possibilities for joy and expression the body-and this life-offer. — Anne Fox, Davison College

The dance and the eighth notes got loose: segued, went Rhumba, found poetry and got dolled up with Neil Marcus and Petra Kuppers. A crippled poetics is a perfect harmony with flesh and music and tongues. – Stephen Kuusisto, The University of Iowa

This collection of poetry is a moving, lyrical account of two disabled lovers finding each other and blossoming in their mutual presence. With humor, feeling, and sexy vibes, Petra and Neil open up their intimate life to readers, and the result is a postmodern, crip version of Robert and Elizabeth Browing, or Abelard and Heloise. Stringing together the fragments of their love life, including poems, emails, e-chats, and other bits of communication, Petra and Neil recreate for us the warm flow of feeling that eddies deeper and deeper into a love for our time. No doubt these new lovers’ poetry will go down in disability history, joining the stories of famous lovers of the past like Romeo and Juliet, only this time the balcony has a ramp and the lovers meet by moonlight in power scooters.” — Lennard Davis, University of Illinois at Chicago

Oh, yum. Oh, yay. We are so fortunate that these two met and wrote about their love and lust and the life of their minds and bodies and all spaces around and in between. This is luscious stuff, so erotic that my reptilian brain throbs as I read it. A great love story, told in the most poetic way, with all of what it means to be human fully engaged. I can’t wait for the movie. — David Roche, performance artist, author of The Church of 80% Sincerity

Additional Information

ISBN-13 978-0978597337
Publication Year 2008
Binding Perfect
Pages 124
Format Text with original photographs by Lisa Steichmann
Designer Cover: Jeremy Weischel, Book: Jay Sennett
Author Details Petra Kuppers community artist, disability culture activist, wheelchair dancer, Associate Professor in the English Department at the University of Michigan. Neil Marcus actor.poet.writer.butoh dancer.
Authors Petra Kuppers & Neil Marcus

Cripple Poetics

Added under Disability, Love, Sexuality, Poetry, and Photography

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